Blake Mirror S4E6: Black Museum

This is a fascinating as it is disturbing episode. so many of the other episodes we watched, the technology was fully formed–for better or worse–we didn’t see the messy and sadistic creation of it. Here we get to see the messy beginnings of some of the technologies in other episodes we watched, and the sadisticContinue reading “Blake Mirror S4E6: Black Museum”

BM: S3E1 Nosedive

Talk about worst nightmare come to life. This episode is all about what our “big data meets big brother” reading talking about–a rating system where people rate one another and that rating has direct impacts on your opportunities in society. Specific experiences are allowed or disallowed based on your ranking–express lines for 4+ ranked folks,Continue reading “BM: S3E1 Nosedive”

BM S2E3: The Waldo Moment

So I’m going to start out by saying I hated this episode! It’s about a comedian that plays a cartoon character that mocks a politician. After the initial debut, the ratings are so good that the character is brought back to continue to mock the politician, and the election as a whole. Waldo, the character,Continue reading “BM S2E3: The Waldo Moment”

BM S3E6 Hated in the Nation

Can you bee-lieve it? Another Black Mirror episode that seems eerily close to being possible–and it unnerved me because of it! This is set in a future where bees, due to their decline, have been majorly replaced by autonomous robotic replicas. Which is all well and good–except that someone is hacking into them and usingContinue reading “BM S3E6 Hated in the Nation”


“Everything’s connected”–it’s a common phrase said by Forrest Burgess and Scott Philbrook in their podcast Astonishing Legends. It’s a podcast that delves into the ~unexplained~ through substantial research. It’s something that I enjoy about the show, it’s interconnectivity and the depth of their ‘cursory research’. It’s also something that applies to, well, everything else. FindingContinue reading “Searching…”

S1E3 The Entire History of You

I have a prosthetic eye–made of glass and plastic. When I was younger, I would sometimes think ‘what if there was a camera in there?’ ‘what if it could record what I saw?’ It felt like something crazy at the time, but always with the looming threat of it’s reality straight ahead. I used toContinue reading “S1E3 The Entire History of You”

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